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来源: 时间:2021年05月08日 浏览次数: 【字体:

  根据中俄两国教育协议,中国政府奖学金A类留学项目由俄罗斯科学与高等教育部下属的学生国际流动中心(ФГБНУ "Интерфизика")进行组织遴选,中国驻俄罗斯大使馆进行复核(使馆不接受个人申请)。该中心一般每年12月在其网站http://im.interphysica.su/登出下一学年申报通知。




  第 1 步: 访问“留学中国”网站,点击“中国政府奖学金来华留学管理信息系统”图标 进入申请系统。“ 留 学 中 国 ” 网 站 链 接 : http://www.csc.edu.cn/studyinchina 或 http://www.campuschina.org 点击【学生注册】按钮,注册账户。注册成功后,使用注册的账户登录系统。

  第 2 步:录入申请人“个人资料”。 点击【编辑个人资料】开始录入个人资料,逐 项完成个人资料的录入,并验证保存。完成个人资料录入后,点击【完成】返 回上一界面,开始录入个人申请信息。申请人须在完成个人资料录入后,方可开始填写申请信息。

  第 3 步:选择正确的“留学项目种类”。

  请选择 “A类”留学项目种类。

  第 4 步:填写正确的 “受理机构编号”。

  受理机构编号为:6431 “留学项目种类”和“受理机构编号”两者彼此关联,均为“中国政府奖学金来华留学管理信息系统”中的必填内容。申请人填写后,系统会自动显示所填写的代码代表的受理部门的名称。留学项目 种类 和受理机构编号存在对应关系,如果填写错误,奖学金受理部门将无法收到在线申请信息。

  第 5 步:填写“申请信息”。 完成上述操作后,录入“语言能力及学习计划”并上传“补充材料”,直至点击【提交】 完成申请。 提交申请前请仔细检查各项信息及补充材料,请确保信息及材料的正确性、真实性。 “A类申请”的申请人填写学习计划时,系统将根据申请人选择的“学生类别、授课语言 及专业”匹配具备招生条件的院校,申请人仅能从中进行选择。 如对学校开设专业情 况有疑问,请访问以下链接。     



  第 6 步:申请一经提交,申请人将无法修改“个人资料”及“申请信息”。 申请被受理前,申请人可通过点击【撤销】撤回已提交申请,并进行修改。申请被撤回后,申请人须在编辑后再次提交,否则该申请将无法被受理。申请被受理后,申请人将无 法撤回该申请。

  第 7 步:点击“打印申请”下载申请表。

  第 8 步:按照受理机构要求提交奖学金申请。 国家留学基金管理委员会未委托任何个人或中介代为受理中国政府奖学金申请, 申请人务必通过官方受理机构提交奖学金申请,避免上当受骗。以下为国家留学基金管理委员会发布来华留学相关信息的唯一官方网站,请广大申请人注意甄别虚假信息。 http://www.csc.edu.cn/studyinchina (http://www.campuschina.org/)


  注意:建议使用火狐或 IE 11 浏览器,如果使用 IE 浏览器,请去掉浏览器的“兼容性 视图模式”后使用。申请人须使用中文或英文完成全部申请信息的填写。



  Application procedure

  In accordance with the educational agreement between China and Russia, "Интерфизика" affiliated to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation  selects applicants for the Chinese Government Scholarship (Type A), and the Chinese Embassy in Russia conducts review (the Embassy does not accept individual applications). "Интерфизика" generally publishes the notice of the program for the next academic year on its website (https://interphysica.su/) every December. Applicants for the Chinese Government Scholarship (Type B) should contact the host university in China directly to apply.


  Step 1: Visit “CSC Study in China” website and click “Scholarship Application for Students”at http://www.csc.edu.cn/studyinchina or http://www.campuschina.org

  Register an account through [CREATE AN ACCOUNT] and login with your account.

  Step 2: Input Personal Details. Click “Edit Personal Details” and finish inputting personal details by filling in all the information, verifying and saving the information. After

  the completion of this section, return to the previous page by clicking “Finish” and start filling in your application information.

  Step 3: Select the correct “Program Category”.

  Please select Program Category “Type A”.

  Step 4: Input the correct Agency Number.

  Your Agency Number is: 6431

  Program Category and Agency Number are directly matched, both are mandatory for online application.

  After inputting agency number, the matched agency name will automatically show on the page. As Program Category and Agency Number are directly matched, application

  processing authorities will not receive your online application if the program category or agency number are not correct.

  Step 5: Input Application Information

  Next, please move on to the section of “Language Proficiency and Study Plan” and upload“Supporting Documents” as requested, then click “Submit” to complete the application.

  Check each part of your application carefully before submission. Please make sure that all the information and uploaded documents are valid and accurate.

  When applicants of “T ype A” application choose the “Preferences of Institutes”, system will automatically match the available universities according to the selected “Student Category, Preferred teaching language and Major Applying for”. With any inquiry concerning the available majors of each university, please visit the following website.


  “Catalog of Discipline Field, First-level Discipline, Specialty” is available from the “Help”,applicants could download the file to identify the relation between Discipline and Major.

  Step 6: Once submitted, amendment cannot be made on “Personal Details” and“Application Information”. Before the application being processed by the processing authorities, applicant can revoke the submitted application by clicking “Withdraw” and edit the application. After revoking the application, applicant must submit at second time after re-editing, or the application will not be processed. Once the application is processed, application cannot be revoked.

  Step 7: Click” Print the Application Form” and download the form.

  Step 8: Submit scholarship application under the requirements of the dispatching authorities (or application processing agency)

  China Scholarship Council never entrust any individual or intermediary agent to process Chinese government scholarship applications. Kindly remind that all applicants to directly submit your scholarship applications through official dispatching authorities, avoiding being deceived. T he website below is the only official website that China Scholarship Council publishing Study in China information, please do not trust information from any other portals or sources.

  http://www.csc.edu.cn/studyinchina (http://www.campuschina.org/)

  Notes: Application with incorrect Agency Number will not be processed.

  Please use Firefox or Internet Explorer (11.0).

  For applicants using Internet Explorer, please close the “compatible view mode” function ahead of editing.

  Please fill in all application information in Chinese or English.